Meditation Classes

Lauren Flack offers one on one and group classes in Chelmsford Essex and on-line helping you establish a regular mediation practice.

Meditation classes with InBalance can help you..

Choose the types of meditation practice that suits you.

Help you formulate a routine that fits into your life.

Explain the science behind the improvements to focus and motivate your practice.

Check in with you once or twice a month to talk through any blocks and guide you to solutions.

If bigger life events from the past feel quite present InBalance Life Coaching can help you work these through.

We can learn to face our body full on without judgment, without distance and with love and compassion.

Why should I learn to meditate?

Every time we have a thought our body releases a chemical reaction which effects our body's chemistry in some way. Imagine then, over a life time how we become our thoughts; how we react becomes a learned response. Even if that reaction isn't serving us well.

Reactions that are habitual leave no room for growth and change.

Meditation gives us the key to unlock our habits that we want to grow out of and frees up space to create new ones that serve us well.

To embody our bodies is to fully recognise who we are, what we feel and what we want to change and what we want to let go of.

Pricing: Meditate InBalance

£62 1 x 60 minutes

Discount for 6 x session bundle

£312 6 x 60 minutes
