About InBalance

InBalance was founded by Lauren Flack to spread the knowledge and techniques that she has found life changing since deciding to embrace, rather than resist the stress and tension she found building up in her body and mind as a response to being out of balance with her life.

She recognised that unless she got to know the reasons for the tension and limiting beliefs that were holding her back in her career and personal life, and that were building up in her body as aches, pains and stress, she was never going to be able to move forward and these signs of tension were her body's way of trying to get her to listen and take action.

She says:

“I have always been interested in the relationship we have with ourselves. I don't want to live a life that runs on autopilot, holding onto negative events that happen to me in the past, leaving no room for growth and change. Many years ago my mind would be so busy that I could not turn it off. This led to stress and tension building up in me as I was always on the go. Through my singing, movement and breathwork I have found peace and harmony in my life. I have found balance. It is easy to do once you know how and I want to help people by sharing these techniques."


Somatic Movement Education

Lauren is a professional singer, as well as a certified somatic movement educator and breathwork practitioner.

It was through realising that her singing students' voices were detrimentally affected by how they were standing and the overall relationship they had with their body and their breath that led Lauren on a journey to discover how we hold onto tension effects every aspect of our lives. Not one of the many voice teachers Lauren has studied with in her life ever put much emphasis on the body as a whole. Lauren recalls:

“I had a student many many years ago who held a lot of tension in her throat. I tried many techniques over months to help but all failed. I was not to be beaten! I looked at her body more intently and noticed that she was perhaps clenching and tucking her pelvis. I asked her about about it and she said,

‘Oh yes, I always do that. My ballet teacher told me when I was 8 that my pelvis stuck out too much.’

“This was a eureka moment for me. I realised that this tucking and misalignment in her whole body meant her throat could never unlock as her body was fighting gravity to stop her falling over! This started a love affair with the body that I will now be in for the rest of my life.”


Move InBalance

Lauren is a certified Somatic Movement Educator through Align Somatics.

She has studied the work of Thomas Hanna the founder of Somatic Movement Education.

Learn more about 1:1 sessions with Lauren here.

InBalance singing lessons to reduce tension with vocal training

Sing InBalance Vocal Method

is influenced by:

  • Feldenkrais Movement Method- a body-oriented, intervention designed to help people reconnect with their bodies and learn ways to move with greater efficiency.

  • Somatic Movement- a movement therapy invented by Thomas Hanna who was a student of Moshe Feldenkrais (another movement specialist). The emphasis in Somatics is to connect your mind to how your body is functioning. And vice versa.

  • Ideokinesis to improve posture, alignment, and fluency of movement through structured guided imagery.

  • Breathing Co-ordination as detailed by Carl Stough

Lauren has certified in and studied with amongst others:

  • Speech Level Singing- Seth Riggs

  • Dave Stroud

  • John Henny

  • Gillyanne Kayes and Jeremy Fisher

  • Ken Bozeman

  • Carolyn Nicholls- The Alexander Technique

Learn more about working with Lauren on your singing here.

Breathe InBalance

Lauren has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Centre for 5 years. She meditates daily and has studied the ancient practice of Pranayama which focuses on the breath to improve wellbeing. These techniques have been adapted to suit our modern times and can be easily fitted into busy lives. Only 5 minutes a day of conscious breathing has been proven by scientific studies to improve health.

Learn more and book a free call with Lauren here.

Get started with InBalance, today.

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